Towards the end of the webinar, Heather expressed her appreciation to Ross for his willingness to do the “Ask-the-Experts” webinar. She mentioned that Ross offered voluntarily his time in the webinar.
Heather said further:
We have been colleagues for a number of years now and I really enjoy speaking to Ross and from asset management geek to asset management geek.
We have some really lively discussions about what’s going on over here, what’s going on over there.
And I thoroughly enjoy having those discussions with Ross and really love getting to hear what’s going on elsewhere and bringing some of their experiences.
It’s nice to learn from what people do elsewhere so that you don’t have to repeat the same mistakes and can kind of build on what works.
And I really wanted to be able to share this opportunity and talk to Ross with all of you.
And I appreciate all of you signing on and sending in your questions and spending this time with us.
And I totally appreciate Ross, being willing to share his experience and the wealth of knowledge that he has with all of us.
So hopefully, maybe in the future, we can reroute him here again and have another go with one of these webinars because I think it’s a lot of fun to kind of share experiences.
And that’s kind of how we learn about asset management as we learn from each other. You can’t really be in a vacuum trying to do this.
You really need to talk to others who are doing it and know, “What worked for you? How did you think through this?”
We had a recent meeting in South Dakota where we talked through one of the water utilities that had an issue with air release valves.
And we talked through that issue as a group and we had several people in the room who had different perspectives.
And we could talk through like, “Hey, did you think about this? Did you think about that?”
And I know the learning was much better because we had that group of people with different perspectives.
So it’s really nice to have these kinds of opportunities to share different ways of thinking and really work together because I think that’s the way we’ll get it done.
Ross responded:
It’s been a real pleasure being part of your webinar today. I love infrastructure asset management, which really just becomes a way of life for you.
And just by seeing authorities making good steps and serving the communities better and getting everything lined up for a long-term sustainable solution just pushes a lot of my buttons and I get a lot of enjoyment there.
So it’s been really nice being with you people today and hope that you’ve got something out of it.
PHOTO CREDIT: Robert Adams via Flickr Creative Commons License
[…] Closing Thoughts on the Ask-the-Experts Webinar April 2014 […]