Watch Ross Waugh present in this short video the topics covered in the Practical Asset Management Summary Series.
These topics are as follows:
- Overview and Introduction to Infrastructure Asset Management
- Appropriate Asset Management Practice
- Asset Management Resources
- Asset Management Policy and Strategy
- Asset Management Plans
- Asset Inventory, Description of Assets
- Levels of Service
- Future Demand
- Risk Management
- Lifecycle Asset Management
- Financial Summary and Funding
- Business Processes and Practices
- Planning Assumptions and Confidence Levels
- Plan Improvement and Monitoring
- Asset Management Information Systems
- Sustainability
Please create a free account with us so you can view the Introduction to Practical Asset Management Summary Series.
For each of the topics above, Ross gives a 5-minute overview video.
Every summary video has a corresponding 20-30 minutes detailed presentation of the particular topic.
For more details, please watch the Introduction to Practical Asset Management Summary Series video above.
To view these summary videos, you need to create a free account.
[…] Inframanage has a teaching series that we have put up, we titled “Introduction to Practical Asset Management.” […]