In the course of making your infrastructure asset management plan, knowing the planning assumptions and confidence levels enhances your planning projections, which this summary video explains.
In this video, Ross presents the issues that will arise when you start about thinking your planning assumptions and confidence levels.
At the whiteboard session, Ross started with documenting significant assumptions. He then discussed more items including updating processes, data accuracy, data confidence levels and metadata considerations.
Watch the “Planning Assumptions and Confidence Levels – Sunmmary Series” now.
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Watch the FULL VERSION of the Video Seminar
For 20-30 minutes each of the 16 topics, Ross discusses and gives practical applications in the “Introduction to Practical Asset Management – FULL VERSION”
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[…] addition to resolving the immediate symptoms Flint would be well advised to undertake infrastructure asset management planning and analysis to develop a comprehensive long term plan to manage the lifecycle of its […]