We have added three more videos covering the “Optimised Decision Making” topic in Ross Waugh’s lecture series on Introduction to Asset Management.
As mentioned in the previous post, this lecture series was created to assist Weltec and Otago Polytechnic in New Zealand with their BEngTech Asset Management foundation information.
Below is the complete list of videos that have been made available:
- Introduction and Frameworks 1 (12:37 minutes)
- Introduction and Frameworks 2 (07:52 minutes)
- Introduction and Frameworks 3 (11:33 minutes)
- Risk 1 (13:00 minutes)
- Risk 2 (11:52 minutes)
- Risk 3 (14:40 minutes)
- Risk 4 (15:38 minutes)
- Financials 1 (09:34 minutes)
- Financials 2 (12:05 minutes)
- Financials 3 (05:09 minutes)
- Optimised Decision Making 1 (13:40 minutes)
- Optimised Decision Making 2 (09:46 minutes)
- Optimised Decision Making 3 (06:32 minutes)
Please note that you need to create a FREE SUBSCRIPTION ACCOUNT to watch these asset management lecture videos.
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