The U.S. Department of the Interior launched a new center in December 2015 to encourage water infrastructure investment in the dry West of the United States.
The Natural Resource Investment Center (NRIC) has been set up in the hopes that new infrastructure will be developed and invested in as well as increased conservation of existing water.
Ecosystem Marketplace reports:
“It is not yet clear whether the NRIC will seek to develop “green infrastructure” that focuses on the restoration of mountain catchments, as many cities across Latin America are doing, but the DOI says it will work in partnership with water users, foundations, impact investors, businesses, NGOs, and academic institutions that have strong environmental programs or business schools.
The announcement comes just over a month after US President Barack Obama ordered five federal agencies, including the DOI, to strengthen and streamline landscape-level mitigation policy within five federal agencies – a move that’s is expected to lead to an upswing in private investments for natural resources.”
It is encouraging to see continuing initiatives that are working to boost water infrastructure investment in the drier regions of the USA.
Inframanage.com observes that Federal programs like the NRIC provide access to expertise, support, and investment for communities that are looking to put their water infrastructure on a sustainable basis.
This type of support can be examined in the Future Demand section of your infrastructure asset management plan.
Addressing issues around water resilience is a key part of your future demand and risk analysis.
The resources and support offered by centers such as the NRIC can help in this analysis, planning and any subsequent investment to address the issues.
PHOTO CREDIT: “Rocky Mountain National Park” by U.S. Department of the Interior via Facebook Page
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