Italy wastes a lot of water every year, enough to meet the needs of 43 million people.
Its aging pipes leak around 42% of the country’s drinking water. According to Euronews, around 25% of its water distribution network is over 50 years old, and 60% is 30.

As a country grappling with water shortage, leaking pipes worsen the problems and make it more vulnerable to droughts. Reuters reports that scientists have warned Italians about water shortages in January due to a significantly low snowfall in their Alps.
The country’s national statistics bureau ISTAT report, based on 2020 data, shows that Italy’s aqueducts have lost 42.2% of the water they carry, a record number so far despite government calls to fix the problem.
The report says that one in four towns in the country loses more than half of its water to leaks. Combined with the increasing droughts due to climate change, Italy must put a plug to its staggering water wastage.
Although Italy has the lowest water prices among European countries and half the cost of France’s costs, Italy’s water prices are one of the lowest among European countries. It is implementing water restrictions, forcing Italians to conserve water due to water leakages and scarce water supplies.
Leaky pipes also increase water consumption. A single Italian consumes 236 liters per day, more than the 125 liters that an average European consumes.
Aside from water leaks, Italy also has a problem with its wastewater. Euronews reports that in June 2023, the EU sued the country for failing to treat its urban sewage properly.
What is the country doing about its water wastage
Reuters reports that in 2022, 15 of the country’s largest towns were forced to adopt water rationing, compared to 11 in 2020.
Italy’s Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni announced in parliament that she is working with regional and city authorities on a national water plan to improve infrastructures with new technologies, raise public awareness of the need to save water and appoint a commissioner to oversee the infrastructure plans and improvements.
The country is also preparing to spend a 7.8 billion-euro ($8.39 billion) package to address the water crisis exacerbated by climate change.
The Euronews article further reports that the government has implemented water restrictions in some regions hit by droughts and plans to invest around 4 billion euros (about $4.37 billion) on a water distribution system extending more than 25,000 km.
Some of their cities also plan to install smart meters to know where the leaking is worst and prioritize investments. The article says that the country plans to fix 13% of its water losses from the network by 2026.
The data gain highlights the importance of water sources and well-maintained and functioning water networks. Infrastructure asset management planning can assist municipalities, regions, states, and countries achieve sustainable freshwater delivery to towns, cities, and agriculture.
Frost, R. (2023, 6 June). Italy wastes enough water for 43 million people a year – can it fix its leaky pipes? Euronews. Retrieved from:
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