During the June 2013 Ingenium Conference in Dunedin, Ross Waugh presented his paper, “Infrastructure Management – Forecasting the Changes to 2030.”
He had only 20 minutes to present the 63-page paper he wrote.
Ross created a video series of the conference paper, one video for each chapter, so that conference delegates and other Infrastructure Management professionals may take time to view it.
This is in response to many Ingenium (then IPWEA NZ, now Āpōpō) conference delegates who requested more information on Infrastructure Asset Management development and change scenarios between now and 2030.
You will appreciate watching these videos more if you have downloaded and/or printed Ross Waugh’s conference paper and used it as a guide. Please CLICK the link below:
Infrastructure Management – Forecasting the Changes to 2030
The “Infrastructure Management – Forecasting the Changes to 2030” paper comprises eleven (11) videos.
In this post, we have included Videos 1 and 2. Please find it below.
Video 1 – New Zealand is Doing Well
Video 2 – Fiscal Challenges Ahead
We will be posting Videos 3 and 4 in our next blog post.
[…] We have published Videos 1 and 2 in our previous post. […]