Ross and Grant continue to deliberate on the topic/question that a webinar participant posted on the blog post, "Meeting Future Demand and Level of Service Needs of Fast-Growing Cities" Ross: So how do you go forward? From an infrastructure management point of view, the first thing that you …
Infrastructure Asset Management Blog
Meeting Future Demand and Level of Service Needs of Fast Growing Cities
“What would it take for a built-up city to adopt a bus rapid transit system? And growing attention to a city like Nairobi where I come from which experienced traffic congestion in the state of infrastructure seems difficult to expand.” Ross: Okay, yes I know a little bit about Nairobi because …
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Will “Smart Cities Initiative” Spur Cities to Invest in Infrastructure?
The former Obama Administration had noticed a problem in the U.S. - people don't feel inclined to invest in infrastructure. This, coupled with the fact that mass infrastructure and technology upgrades are needed across the country, has led the government to recently launch a new "smart cities" …
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Richwood, West Virginia Starts Exciting New Water Expansion
Hinkle Mountain and Little Laurel Road, Nicholas County, near Richwood, West Virginia are infamously known for being the only unwatered spots in the county. According to Mayor Robert Johnson, there has been hope for decades that Richwood would finally be able to upgrade and use its wastewater …
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Water Sector Partnership Tries to Raise Infrastructure Awareness
One of the biggest problems that organizations and utilities face in the water infrastructure face is making people aware that they even exist. One organization, Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor - a partnership of water sector companies, is trying to "make universal water access …
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Importance of Level of Service in Asset Management
Ross: Taking the US example, I was recently reading Fortune magazine, which is one of the major business magazines in the US. I was looking at where Fortune 500 companies, these are massive global companies, are located. And certainly, if you’re in a state or a city or municipality that has …
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Lessons from the Asset Management Planning NZ Story
Ross: Yes, one of the things that we've explored here in New Zealand in a 15-year plus journey of asset management planning that’s been legislated with several changes and amendments along the way, is when we originally started, we started with asset management plans. That was very asset …
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Simplifying Infrastructure Asset Management eBook is Available
DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY NOW This is the eBook version of the Ask-the-Experts webinar, the fourth in the series, that Ross Waugh and Heather Himmelberger held on 5 November 2015. Below are the topics covered in this eBook: Simplifying Infrastructure Asset ManagementSimple Infrastructure …
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What You Should Know of Infrastructure Asset Management Business
Ross and Grant tackled the next slide, which features Peter Drucker's questions. They explained how these relate to doing infrastructure asset management. Ross says: I think many of you will know about Peter Drucker who was one of the management gurus of the last century and only passed …
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Managing Severe Drought Conditions through Infrastructure Management Planning
Many U.S. states faced water shortage and drought conditions through 2015. This was partly to do with water sources (such as groundwater or snowpack levels) and partly to do with water and infrastructure management with these sources. USA Today has produced a list of the eight most severely …
Resolving Salinas Valley’s Water Source Issue thru Asset Management Plan
"America's Salad Bowl", California's Salinas Valley, is facing a slightly different problem from the rest of the drought-strike state - the problem of having water when nobody else does. This water comes from a single source — Salinas Valley groundwater. What is going to happen by way of …
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Tips to a Smooth Infrastructure Asset Management Journey
In the earlier post, Grant and Ross were talking about "Taking the Right Path to Infrastructure Asset Management Success" and here's the continuation of the conversation. Grant: And I think that’s the risk that certainly some people is like trying to keep to the speed limit, if they’re …
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