This is a series of five video blogs on the “Metropolis” infrastructure management story that Ross Waugh created to share asset management lessons.

The Metropolis Infrastructure Management Story – Introduction
Ross Waugh introduces a fictional “Metropolis” to explain the importance of asset registers, type of assets, and impacts on service levels.
The Metropolis Infrastructure Management Story – The Case of Area A
Ross Waugh talks about Area A, the first and oldest part of the “Metropolis.” This is the second in the video blog series, “The Metropolis Infrastructure Management Story,” and Ross talks about “Area A” of the city.
The Metropolis Asset Management Story – Dealing with Area B
From “Area A” that he explained in the last video blog, the Metropolis grew, and an informal housing “Area B” emerged over time.
The Metropolis Asset Management Story – Managing Area C
Ross Waugh shares about the expansion of the Metropolis with the new “Area C,” which used to be the place for the city’s excluded group.
The Metropolis Infrastructure Management Story – Area D (Celestial Heights)
Ross Waugh talks about the affluent Area D that the Metropolis developed, which he calls “Celestial Heights.”