The Underground Construction Technology International Conference & Exhibition (UCT) is the premier event in the United States focusing on the total underground infrastructure—trenchless, open cut, new construction, and rehabilitation.

UCT will be held at the George R. Brown Convention Center, Houston, TX, Jan. 27-29, 2015 (primary UCT program and exhibits).
Major academic and industry sponsors offer seminars before, during and after UCT, providing you with a week-long option of learning possibilities, says the UTC’s webpage.
In 2014, nearly 2,200 attendees and more than 170 exhibiting companies gathered in Houston, TX creating the largest, most diverse event since 2002.
UCT is the largest event in the U.S. focused on the total underground piping infrastructure.
W&WD Magazine reports that keynote speaker state Rep. Lyle Larson of the Texas House of Representatives will discuss how funding from the Texas Water Development Board can help Texas cities and water authorities facing critical water issues.
The keynote session is part of the WaterWorks Conference held at UCT on Jan. 27.
A second keynote session will be presented by Kathleen Jackson, P.E., director, Texas Water Development Board. Jackson will discuss changes made on the Texas Water Development Board since the passing of the water funding from the Rainy Day Fund.
The WaterWorks Conference focuses on water infrastructure issues, impacts, and long-term solutions.
It is exciting to see Texas hosting this event on a yearly basis as it is an encouraging step in infrastructure asset management collaboration and forward-thinking in this area.
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