Florida, along with many other states is facing drinking water shortages in the long term. As a result, they are trying to come up with new ways to meet the water needs of the state. A thought on the horizon for Florida is to recycle their wastewater, potentially use the recycled water for …
Infrastructure Management Outlook on The Economist’s Urbanization 1950 to 2050
The Economist Magazine published a very interesting interactive timeline showing city size and growth from 1950-2030. You can play the whole sequence or move the slider to individual years and study trends and comparisons. You can click on individual cities and see the growth trend. …
Why Water Infrastructure Investment Will Be More Valuable than Gold, Oil and Phones
Some members of the American Stock Market think that investing in water will have very lucrative benefits in the near future. Stocks in American water companies are already paying nice little dividends to their investors and can only continue to rise as water becomes scarcer. Jeff Siegel of …
Sacramento’s Sewage Treatment Infrastructure Project Raises Level of Service
A project that has been years in the making, and is considered the biggest project in the history of the area, is soon to officially start in Sacramento, California. The "Echo" project is to begin in May, but some preliminary work has already started. KCRA reports: "With an estimated price …
How to Develop Financial Summary and Funding for Asset Management Planning
What are the items included in preparing your financial summary and funding? How will you classify and detail expenditures? What are the other infrastructure asset management planning items to be considered in developing financial funding? In the "Financial Summary and Funding - FULL …
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Tackling One of America’s Biggest Infrastructure Concerns with Super Bowl Analogy
President Obama has called a lot of attention to the state of American infrastructure and its future demands over the last month and many newsagents have commented, argued, and discussed the subject since the State of the Union address. One common thought that perseveres through the articles is …
Infrastructure Management Impact of Privatizing Water Utility Systems
After a January meeting, the council of Columbia, SC is officially open to selling or leasing the city's water and sewage systems to a private, for-profit company. Many companies have expressed their interest in such a venture, though it has had next to no publicity. The systems generate …
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NY Offers “Infrastructure Bank” to Address Aging Infrastructure Issues
Sewage and Wastewater treatment facilities are fast deteriorating in the State of New York due to aging infrastructure and outdated technology. The majority of the State's residents rely on these facilities and if change doesn't happen soon, State waters will likely become tainted. However, …
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Infrastructure Bill: “The Rebuild America Act of 2015” — Can It Be Done?
Senator Bernie Sanders introduced new legislation on Tuesday the 27th of January, 2015, to rebuild America's crumbling infrastructure. It's a five-year plan that would require $1 trillion worth of investment in the hopes of creating 13 million paid jobs. The legislation is co-sponsored by …
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Role of Preventative Maintenance in Water Utilities Asset Management
In the previous post titled "Best Asset Management Practice — Improving Preventive Maintenance", Ross shared his insights from his consulting experiences in New Zealand. Heather continued the discussion. Heather: I would just mention that one of the things to think about with your system …
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San Diego’s Infrastructure Woes and Potential Asset Management Solutions
Recently the City of San Diego, California has realized that her infrastructure needs some serious attention. Stormwater is their major area of an issue because they need $700 million more than they have to fix their Stormwater infrastructure over the next five years. The city has seemingly …
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Asset Management Impacts of Kansas’ Smarter Infrastructure Dream
Kansas City is just one of many cities who are looking at incorporating new "smart" technology into its core infrastructure. The technology itself is innovative and has the potential to really improve things, but the concern is that the cost is too high. Fortune Magazine examines the idea in …
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