Low Impact Development Planning (LID) is an innovative urban planning method that aims to imitate the natural infusion of water into the ground. It involves creating an infrastructure that facilitates water to infiltrate, evaporate, and transpire while limiting runoff. Basically, LID involves …
Managing Water Main Break and Risks – Infrastructure Asset Management
LA Times reported that on 11 May 2015 morning, 12-inched water main ruptured and burst in West Hollywood, Los Angeles, flooding roads, garages, lawns, and homes. The break caused over 10,000 gallons of water flowing into the streets - the streets of drought-stricken California's busiest …
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Infrastructure Asset Management Lessons from AWWA Conference
This year in Austin, Texas, the AWWA and WEF held a Utility Management Conference. During this conference, the AWWA Knowledge Management Subcommittee of the Workforce Strategies Committee and the AWWA Asset Management Committee partnered to show how the two can be integrated to support business …
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Drought Plan of Peoria, AZ is Good Water Infrastructure Asset Management Planning
Peoria is among the majority cities of Arizona experiencing drought for more than 15 years. Unlike the problems Californian cities face, the little city of Peoria's water supply remains stable, their economy growing continuously. Planning for drought for years, Peoria and Arizona have been …
Federal Guide for Infrastructure Planning and Design – Useful for US Infrastructure Asset Management Experts
The White House summoned the country's leading thinkers on infrastructure planning and design on May 5th. They met to discuss how infrastructure projects across the board can be designed to stimulate economic growth and be more resilient against calamities that climate change brings. Along …
Spotlight On: ‘Infrastructure Week’ in the USA
It's all happening with Infrastructure in the USA this week as 'Infrastructure Week 2015' kicks off in Washington. From May 11-15, more than 80 organizations are set to host dozens of events. Participants will range from Vice President Biden to city council members, academics, utility groups, …
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How to Start Asset Management? Browse our Webinar Resources
Ross Waugh and Heather Himmelberger conducted two "Ask-the-Experts" webinars in 2014 to provide a venue for people involved in asset management, particularly among small water utilities within the Environmental Finance Center Network (EFC Network). These webinars were held free through the …
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Dr Natalie Jackson, Population, Demography and Change
In April 2015, Dr. Natalie Jackson, New Zealand's preeminent research demographer, gave a presentation hosted at the Waugh Infrastructure Management offices in Timaru to an audience of New Zealand local government transportation and water utility engineers and Waugh Infrastructure …
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Infrastructure Asset Management Planning – Investing in Water Utilities USA
We have read the results of a survey that asked Americans about how important water is in their lives Value of Water Coalition released recently in relation to National Drinking Water Week. The results also include the immediate action needed to maintain water supply and water …
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Closing Thoughts on the Infrastructure Asset Management Webinar
Towards the end of the webinar, Heather expressed her appreciation to Ross for his willingness to do the "Ask-the-Experts" webinar. She mentioned that Ross offered voluntarily his time in the webinar. Heather said further: We have been colleagues for a number of years now and I really enjoy …
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How Infrastructure Asset Management Planning Can Deal with Seattle’s High Water Bills
Californian's covet all the water that rainy states like Washington get, but some Seattle residents wonder if Californians would actually be willing to pay the price that comes with all that water. High water prices in Seattle have led to a decline in water usage over the last fifty years. In …
Syria makes 100 Countries to have Visited Inframanage.com
The visitors to Inframanage.com have been steadily growing and we have now had visitors from 100 countries visit and browse our website. Syria was the 100th country to visit. Thanks for the interest Syria. The amount of international interest shown has been very encouraging for …
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