The mayor of Flint has sent a letter to President Obama's Director of Intergovernmental Affairs requesting the participation of the White House and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in a City of Flint Technical Advisory Water Committee. Flint is forming both a water committee and a technical …
Desalination in Santa Barbara — How Infrastructure Management Planning Helps
Santa Barbara, California is fast running out of ideas to provide water during this drought, but it still has one more card in its hand. The city has an inactive desalination plant that was completed in 1991 but was left tested but unused due to a "miracle rain" that occurred shortly …
Upgrading the Aging Water System of Cameron City, TX and Its Implications
The Cameron City Council is taking measures to improve its water system, moving towards a groundwater-based municipal water system. The Council has applied to the Texas Water Development Board for grants in order to fund this much-needed system upgrade. The Cameron Herald reports: "On …
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The Critical Issue of Water Infrastructure Resiliency
California has been in a state of drought for the last four years, but many observers have been noting that California has not been handling the situation as well as it could. Some consider California's water laws to be irrational and hard to maneuver for a start, and others consider …
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Water Utilities Infrastructure Management Planning for USA “Megadrought”
NASA is now predicting a "megadrought" as early as 2050 that might last 30 or more years and devastate the Southwest and Central Plains, worse than anything in the last 1000 years. This is mere speculation at this point but could be a very imposing reality if things follow their current …
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Portland’s New Water Pipes Are Delivering Water and Hydroelectricity
Portland, Oregon has unveiled a new project for 2015: turning water into electricity. This is not uncommon and hydroelectricity is not a new concept, but Portland has done something very unique. They have created a new system that generates electricity inside a stretch of the city …
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Wrightstown’s Water Infrastructure Project Dilemma – Import or “Buy American”
Wrightstown, Green Bay, Wisconsin have some major water infrastructure projects on the horizon - most importantly, a new water pipeline to source water from the nearby lake. Wrightstown has qualified for a construction loan, federally funded, which would finance the 12-mile pipeline, along with …
SOAR Brokering Economic and Infrastructure Rebuild in Eastern KY
Two years ago a Democrat governor of Kentucky and a Republican senior member of the Kentucky Congressional delegation began talking about working together to lead an effort to turn around Eastern Kentucky economically. They named this effort SOAR (Shaping Our Appalachian Region) and planned to …
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Collaboration Solves Water Infrastructure Demand in North Carolina
Three cities in North Carolina managed to collaborate to solve some of their issues between them. Albemarle, 40 miles east of Charlotte, has excess capacity in its water system and needed new customers to defray costs. Concord and Kannapolis, close by, needed a new source of supply but were …
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Infrastructure Asset Management Tools Crucial for Wastewater Project Cost
In January, Senator Charles Schumer tried to convince a federal agency to approve an application for funding from the City of Kingston, New York, to repair a wastewater treatment plant damaged by superstorm Sandy. Kingston officials have applied for funding from the Federal Emergency Management …
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Blueprint Columbus to Solve the Root Causes of Sanitary Sewer Overflows
The City of Columbus, Ohio has spent over a billion dollars on it's Wet Weather Management Plan since 2005. Most of that has gone towards wastewater treatment plants and a combined sewer overflow tunnel, which have done much good for Columbus' issues. However, sanitary sewers overflow (SSO) …
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Infrastructure Asset Management Planning Needed If Florida Recycles Its Wastewater
Florida, along with many other states is facing drinking water shortages in the long term. As a result, they are trying to come up with new ways to meet the water needs of the state. A thought on the horizon for Florida is to recycle their wastewater, potentially use the recycled water for …