Puerto Rico, through a settlement with the U.S. federal government, has agreed to upgrade and improve its Stormwater infrastructure in the San Juan city and area. Critical upgrades are needed due to the 6 million gallons of untreated sewage that is now released daily into local waterways and the …
Flint Michigan — Introduction to Infrastructure Asset Management Analysis
Flint Michigan has been in the news recently for all the wrong reasons regarding its water supply. The issue has escalated politically and now has the involvement of authorities at Federal, State and Local levels. Here at Inframanage.com, we believe that there are lessons to be learned from …
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International Infrastructure Management Manual 5th (2015) Edition
IPWEA published the International Infrastructure Management Manual 5th (2015) Edition in October 2015. The manual is available to international customers from IPWEA. If you are in New Zealand, the manual is available from NAMS. The information on the IPWEA website about the IIMM 5th …
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Infrastructure Management Journey Continues, Come Join Us!
After a very busy year-end work-wise to 2015, a long vacation, we are back to blogging for 2016 here at Inframanage.com. There is a lot happening in infrastructure management in 2016, and we intend to do our best to keep you informed about this and apply infrastructure management perspectives to …
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Happy Christmas
It was Christmas Eve here in New Zealand when I wrote this post. Christmas coincides with our summer vacation in the Southern Hemisphere. I would like to wish all the readers of this blog a very Happy Christmas, wherever you are in the world. Thank you for your readership, comments and …
South Carolina Floods Devastate Water Infrastructure
On Monday the 5th of October, South Carolina was hit with a deluge that occurs on average once per millennia, receiving six months of rain in two days. Columbia, SC with its many waterways was a prime target for flooding and is one of the worst affected areas. To make things more complicated, …
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Utah Flash Flood Claims 16 Lives and Wipes Out Infrastructure
On Monday the 14th of September 2015, Hildale, Utah was left in a state of shock and horror as a flash flood swept through and left two small communities in disbelief. The flood has claimed the lives of 16 people (mostly women and children) from these small communities and has been titled "one …
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Infrastructure Management Planning – Addressing Drought in Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico is facing one of the worst droughts in its history. On the eastern side of the island, the government has been forced to start extreme water rationing - something that hasn't happened in 20 years. Residents are caught up in a rationing cycle that leaves them without water for 24 hours …
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Utility Infrastructure Management – Why Colorado Springs Utilities Doesn’t Always Appreciate Rain
What seems a good thing - water levels at the highest capacity they've been in years - is actually not so great for Colorado Springs Utilities. The one drawback of so much rain is that customers use less water, which means the utility loses revenue. Fifty percent of the money made by the water …
Infrastructure Management – Detroit to Flint Water March and its Ramifications
The ongoing water crisis in Flint, Michigan is not new to the team at Inframanage.com - read our earlier posts on the Flint Michigan Water Crisis. It has now reached the point where Flint residents in July 2015 staged a scheduled, one-week demonstration under the title: "CLEAN AFFORDABLE WATER …
Infrastructure Management Planning Implications of Infrastructure Upgrade in Salado, Texas
In late July 2015, the Department of Commerce's Economic Development Administration announced that they will be awarding a 1.5 million dollar grant to the Village of Salado, Texas to help upgrade water and sewer systems. The Government is doing this as part of its continued commitment to invest …
Asset Management – Williston ND Wastewater System Outgrowth
Williston, North Dakota has a growing population affecting its sewage lagoon system capacity to handle the excess wastewater. There are major concerns that this issue will have a negative effect on the backwaters of the Missouri River and the headwaters of Lake Sakakawea. Most of the …
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