The City of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, is facing an infrastructure gap of $195.9 million of annual investment needed for ten years to close the difference, a finding from the Auditors General's review of Hamilton's roads. The long-anticipated Auditor's report released in July 2021 shows that …
Improving Arizona’s Water Infrastructure through PPP
In August 2021, the U.S. Secretary of the Interior declared the first-ever Tier 1 shortage for Colorado River operations. The water shortage to begin in 2022 means a substantial cut to Arizona's share of the Colorado River, with the central Arizona agricultural users identified as the most impacted …
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California Water Laws Aim to Future-Proof Supply
California passed two laws in June 2018 that aim to future-proof the state's water supply, setting a consumption limit for the first time. These laws have been in effect since January 2019 and have been legislated to create a resilience plan for future climate change and droughts. California …
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Louisiana’s Outmigration and Its Impact on Infrastructure Management
The majority of Louisiana's parishes or counties' population continues to shrink. Its 2020 consensus reflects a downward population trend, which some experts think may be influenced by the impacts of the pandemic and extreme events such as Hurricane Laura that hit the state in August 2020 (Adelson, …
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Infrastructure Obstacles to Nigeria’s E-learning Success
The Covid-19 pandemic has put 1.2 million children out of school globally. According to UNESCO, kids from vulnerable and marginalized groups are the most impacted by school closures. The UN organization says that compensating for the loss of learning will require the safe return of kids to school …
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Updates on South Carolina’s Water Management Plan
South Carolina's growing population and its experience of a severe drought in 2008-2009 are some of the reasons that the state needs to update its State Water Plans. On 9 March 2018, the American Rivers reported that the state plans to change this by completing its new water plan's second and …
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US Renewable Energy Infrastructure is Rapidly Expanding, Managing Them is Crucial
Governments worldwide are racing to boost renewable energy capacity to combat climate change, but some countries are pushing ahead of others. According to Sustainability magazine, the United States is at the top regarding renewable energy production. According to the report, in 2020, renewable …
IIJA Funding to Fix Michigan’s Infrastructure – Is It Enough?
Michigan will finally receive the needed funding to fix its critical infrastructure. Bridge Michigan's "Michigan is spending big on infrastructure. Its problems are even bigger" reports that the state officials are celebrating a "historic" deal that will pump nearly $3 billion into aging …
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Water System Crisis in Jackson, Mississippi and Infrastructure Management
Residents of Jackson City, Mississippi's capital city, had no running water since 29 August 2022, when heavy rains and floods caused a significant failure at its main water treatment plant, OB Curtis. Since late July, Jackson's 150,000 residents have been put under a boil-water advisory to …
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Decaying Power Grids Undermines Expansion of Renewables and EVs in the US
The United States Transmission networks face many challenges – aging, rising outages, and the impacts of severe weather events are becoming more frequent. The Reuters article, "Creaky US power grid threatens progress on renewables, EVs," presents that improving the US electric grid will boost the …
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Factors Causing Ontario’s Water Infrastructure to be Costly
Living with the Great Lakes, Ontario enjoys a seemingly endless water supply. But providing clean water to its residents has a cost arising from accessing the water, treating it, and distributing it. Additionally, wastewater must be treated to avoid contamination and becoming a health and …
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Using Robots to Solve Infrastructure Problems
Robotics development surged during the pandemic. These robots are becoming a popular choice in various industries to use to inspect critical and high-value infrastructure. A report from McKinsey & Company shows that up to 88% of businesses worldwide plan to adopt robotic automation into their …
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