The U.S. Senate and the President signed a new piece of legislation that is set to improve the upgrade and maintenance of water infrastructure all over the country.

The Water Infrastructure Act (known as WIA) will allow states to put more finance into water infrastructure and is hoped to ensure the eventual reality of all Americans having personal access to safe drinking water.
Water Online reports:
“America’s Water Infrastructure Act will upgrade and maintain aging dams and irrigation systems, increase water storage, and deepen nationally significant ports. It authorizes funds to repair aging drinking water systems so that communities across America have access to clean drinking water. It authorizes important projects that will create jobs and grow our economy. America’s Water Infrastructure Act is a win for all Americans.”
The WIA will, of course, have a global impact and repercussions too as many developing nations look to the USA for guidance as to how to effectively manage water infrastructure systems for large populations across unforgiving natural landscapes.
It will be interesting to observe how this Act will be put into action by state and county water authorities across the United States in the near future.
From an infrastructure financing viewpoint, it is pleasing to see that this important Water Infrastructure Act passed with bipartisan support.
This level of political support for infrastructure funding is encouraging as the USA works hard to rehabilitate, replace and upgrade aging water infrastructure.
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