The lecture series by Ross Waugh on Introduction to Asset Management Planning is now available.
This lecture series was created to assist WelTec and Otago Polytechnic in New Zealand with their BEngTech Asset Management foundation information.
The lecture series provides good overviews of the topic’s and would be of assistance to any student of infrastructure asset management.
Ranging from 5 to 15 minutes long, the topics discussed are as follows:
- Introduction and Frameworks 1
- Introduction and Frameworks 2
- Introduction and Frameworks 3
- Risk 1
- Risk 2
- Risk 3
- Risk 4
- Financials 1
- Financials 2
- Financials 3
Please note that you need to create a FREE SUBSCRIPTION ACCOUNT to watch these asset management lecture videos.
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[…] Africa’s experience, lessons learned, and challenges in implementing an asset management plan could serve as an example for other countries in the initial stages or are looking at starting an […]