Ross: And I think too Heather, just clicked back to that slide from Toledo, Ohio because they've had the "Do not drink (notice)" for the entire population due to that. They’re getting through …
Criticality and Overall Cost in Water Utilities Asset Management
Heather: And the other thing to think about is, different breaks have different criticality to a water utility. So a small break on a side street that it’s just tricking down the road, impacting …
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Holistic Impact of Infrastructure Management Actions to the Utility Community
Why should the utility worry about the cost of pipe breaks that don’t affect the utility? For example, blocking traffic. Dawn: This came whenever we have the earlier discussion about the cost …
Three Important Sources of Asset Management Knowledge
To remind webinar participants of the people and organizations responsible for the "Ask-the-Experts" webinar series, Heather presented the "Contact Information" slide (see image above). Heather …
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Infrastructure Asset Management Questions Answered in this Webinar
Ross Waugh and Heather Himmelberger held another "Ask the Experts" webinar. As always, it was a great opportunity to ask your asset management questions or seek advice on how to begin. The webinar …
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